Grow your training business

3t Training Solutions provides specialist consultancy services to help businesses gain approval with the world's leading training bodies including GWO, OPITO, IRATA, IADC, IWCF, CISRS and more.

Access new global training markets and attract thousands of potential new delegates

Having industry-recognised training accreditations gives you instant access to delegates with mandatory training requirements. But achieving these accreditations can be time consuming and complex.

3t Training Solutions will guide and support you through the entire process, from initial assessment to successful accreditation, in the most efficient way.

Whether you need full project support or just specialist advice, you can choose from our wide range of consultancy services and products.

Some of our accreditations

Speak to our expert

Alan Sharp, our Head of 3t Training Solutions, has 20 years’ experience within learning development, training and competency. He will find a solution to support your current and future needs, tailoring the approach to your specific requirements.

Services and Products

Gaining industry-leading accreditations

We’ll review your current business to identify where investment is needed to gain approvals. As well as preparing a comprehensive plan to deliver your goals, we’ll manage the entire process for you. From identifying the best courses to preparing content and designing presentation materials, we’ll deliver comprehensive, tailor-made lesson plans ready to go.

Upgrading your course portfolio

Want to add to your course directory? Whether you want to widen your course portfolio in your existing markets, or expand your business into new markets such as wind, oil and gas, maritime, construction and more, we have an extensive list of accredited courses we can help you offer.

Designing and developing facilities

3t Training Solutions has extensive experience of developing efficient and ergonomically designed buildings and facilities. Avoid the pitfalls of building poorly designed structures which are hard to work in and prevent expansion. Let our experts help you maximise profits and create world-leading centres of excellence.

Training and competency

We offer a train the trainer service which delivers highly effective teaching personnel. Give your delegates the very best, engaging learning experience through skilled instructor teams. Our programmes include direct teaching, remote learning and work shadowing, as well as robust testing, verification and sign-off processes.

Equipment and purchasing

Secure the best equipment at the best prices. Purchasing or leasing? We’ll use our long-standing supplier relationships to help you access the best deals with the best industry suppliers, and ensure you have the right equipment to deliver the training you intend to. We can also advise you on the best equipment - remember the repetitive nature of training courses will often mean safety equipment will require more regular inspections and will need to be replaced more often.

Systems, processes and procedures

Manage your business with a bespoke management system. We’ll work with you to create a system which will help you pass audits and maintain a safe and efficient operation. This incorporates your own policies and procedures, as well as best working practices from our own experience and any local standards which must be adhered to.

Booking system

Ensure your personnel and delegates get the best user experience when booking your courses. Our bookings system, with front-end delegate views and back-end staff views, is entirely customisable to your brand and can make all your courses available to book online. The system can integrate with many pre-existing systems and payment services.

Asset management

Instructors, buildings, schedules and capacities are hard to manage. Our systems will ensure your operation runs efficiently. Our software solution runs on the Transform platform and is designed with decades of experience in course scheduling and management.

Business intelligence

Understanding trends in your bookings and where your business is generating revenue is crucial. Our software developers work with you to ensure you have access to the business intelligence you need. Utilising data from your bookings and management systems, you will have access to a range of pre-made and customisable reports.

Case studies


ARCON was keen to leverage its expertise in training to tap into the offshore wind market opportunity but didn’t have any experience in the wind sector.

Black Cat

As well as upskilling and improving the competencies of its own employees, Black Cat wanted to establish a new training centre of excellence for the Indochina region where people could be trained to internationally-recognised standards.

A National Oil Company

A national oil company was looking to establish its first fully-accredited OPITO training centre in the Indochina region in order to align to global oil and gas standards.


Joint venture opportunities

Interested in a partnership between your company and 3t Training Solutions? We can help you to gain and maintain awarding body accreditation, while you focus on delivering your training.

Software and Technolgy

As part of 3t Energy Group, 3t Training Solutions offers a range of technology and services allowing you to manage and deliver your training in a revolutionary way.